Lead 1,000,000 people to faith in Jesus this year!

EXPANSION: Asian Pacific Region 2025

In 2024, you helped lay the groundwork for programs in Asia Pacific. The greatest growth opportunities are in China, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Going into 2025, we must:

  • Train facilitators
  • Bring coordinators onboard
  • Expand regional leadership
  • Conduct launch experiences
  • Provide training

Our 2025 goal is to lead at least 1,000,000 people to faith and continue expanding into new regions through Beyond Success and other EQUIP Leadership outreaches!

It takes an average of $6.06 to reach one person for Christ through EQUIP, sharing leadership values that change lives — all based on the powerful message of the Gospel. How many will you reach?

It’s crucial to have as much funding in place as possible, especially because we’re expanding next year — into places like Southeast Asia where the Good News is so desperately needed!

Please prayerfully consider your generous year-end gift and make a donation now. Thank you!

William's Story

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